Application Process
There is nothing more precious than your child and no greater decision in their lifetime than which school will be chosen to develop within them a love of learning. We understand that this process can be overwhelming and are glad to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

1. Inquiry FormPlease fill out the Inquiry Form to let us know a little bit about you & your child(ren).
2. School VisitAfter receiving your inquiry form, our school registrar, Mrs. Hadassah Moldovan will contact you to schedule a personal visit and tour of our school. We can’t wait to meet you!
3. ApplicationPlease click the following links to access our school applications, which can also be found under the “Forms” tab:
Inquiry Form
Nursery Application
New Student Application
*Please note: if you are applying for more than one student, one of whom is going into nursery, please fill out only the New Student Application (one application for all of your children).* -
4. Transcript/School RecordAll school transcripts and records from the applicant’s previous school(s) are required as part of the application process.
5. Documentation of ServicesIf applicant receives therapy/special education services, paperwork (evaluation, IEP, etc.) must be received prior to an interview being scheduled.
6. InterviewApplicants are required to be interviewed by the principal(s).
7. AssessmentApplicant’s Judaic and General Studies knowledge will be assessed on an individual basis.
8. AcceptanceDecision letters will be e-mailed to you. A registration fee is required to secure your child’s place at Yeshiva K’tana of Waterbury.