Yeshiva K’tana has launched it’s brand new Parsha curriculum for Pre-1A called “Lessons from the Parsha”. Every Friday, the entire Pre-1A joins together with Morah Brocha for a special assembly where they learn a מצוה or מידה from that week’s פרשה. Each week they start the assembly with the “Lessons from the Parsha Song” and then learn that week’s מידה from the פרשה along with a song or story. At the end of each assembly, the children receive a פרשה nosh have to figure out the connection to the פרשה.
Every week, the kids receive a special mitzvah note template that focuses on that week’s מידה. All of the mitzvah notes collected over the course of the week are read at the following week’s assembly. The miztzvah note envelope outside of Morah Brocha’s office is bursting with notes, as the kinderlach practice the מידה so often during the week.

To quote some of our very own Pre-1Aers:

“I love the Parsha assembly every week. It’s so fun to sing the song and get the Parsha nosh.”

“We don’t do Word of the Week anymore because we know those words so well. Now we get to have our own Parsha assembly because we’re big!”

“I bring Morah Brocha my mitzvah notes on the Parsha papers! I love the Parsha assembly!”

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